Publishing a Classified Ad

Publishing a Classified Ad

Only Premium Members will have access to the Classified Ads tab within the Advertise module. 
To see a full video tutorial, please see our Classified Ads Full Tutorial.

In this article you will learn two methods of publishing your Classified Ad and how long the advertisement will be publicly displayed on, after it is published. It should be noted that the reader should already be aware of how to create a Classified Ad from within their Dashboard. To learn more about creating a Classified Ad please see the article titled Creating a New Classified Ad.

Overview offers two methods to publish your Classified Ad. You can choose to publish the advertisement immediately while you are creating it, or save the advertisement, and publish it at a later date directly from your list of Classified Ads

When you publish your advertisement, you will be offered the option to either upgrade your advertisement to a Premium Ad, or simply publish it as a Basic Ad.

By upgrading your advertisement to a Premium Ad, you bring more attention to your goods and services by displaying the green Featured banner, wherever the advertisement is being displayed on Advertisements with the Featured banner are positioned ahead of Basic Ads, within their corresponding category pagesAs an added bonus, Premium Ads are also displayed on the homepage, at random, in the Featured Classified Ads section. Advertisements using the Basic Ad option are only displayed on the corresponding category pages. 

When you publish your classified advertisement for the first time, your publishing period last for 30 days. Both the Start Date and End Date, of your publishing period, is displayed for each published ad, in your Classified Ads list.

Immediately after you publish your ad, every member of will receive a email notification about your advertisement. Your advertisement will also start displaying on the public webpages, of, in its appropriate locations. You will be notified via email when your publishing period ends, so that you can also republish your advertisement. Each time your republish advertisement it will display again on the public webpages for an additional 30 days.

Any time you wish to edit your advertisement, while it is published or republished, you may do so by clicking Pause in your ad's Actions menu, make the appropriate edits to any part of ad, and then click Continue in the Actions menu to have it start displaying with the updated information.

Note - After you have published your advertisement, clicking Pause in your ad's Action menu, to make edits to the ad, will stop it from displaying to others until you click Continue in the ad's Action menu.
Note - Premium Members can publish an unlimited number of Basic Classified Ads, for no additional cost, as part of their subscription. Additional fees will apply to each advertisement that is upgraded to a Premium Ad.  


  1. Publish - The Ad Status of an advertisement which indicates the users has completed the checkout process, and the advertisement is currently displaying to the users and public. 
  2. Saved - The Ad Status of an advertisement when the user has only created and saved the advertisement, but has not Published the advertisement yet. 
  3. Basic Ad - A type of Classified Ad that only displays to the public, in its corresponding category of, and is free to Premium Members.
  4. Premium Ad - A type of Classified Ad that members can upgrade to, for an additional fee, to display the green Featured banner on their advertisement wherever the ad appears in Ads that have been upgraded to Premium Ads will also appear before Basic Ads in their corresponding category, and be displayed in the Featured Classified Ads section of the homepage at random intervals. 


  1. Learn and understand how to create a new Classified AdTo learn more about creating a Classified Ad please see the article titled Creating a New Classified Ad.


Option #1 - Publishing While Creating Your New Ad
  1. Option #1 - Publishing While Creating Your New Ad
    1. Login to your account.
    2. In your Dashboard, click Advertise in the left menu.
    3. Create and save your new Classified Ad by going thought the steps outlined in the article titled Creating a New Classified Ad.
    4. While still on the Branding step, after you have chosen to save your new advertisement, click the Preview button to verify your advertisement displays the way you intended it to.
    5.  Once you have previewed and confirmed the advertisement displays with the correct information, click the Publish button. 
    6. On the Publish Your Classified Ad form, select if you wish to upgrade your ad to a Premium Ad or not from within the Premium Ad Upgrade section.
    7. Within the Terms & Conditions section, read and verify you understand the advertising terms by checking each term. 
    8. From within the Payment Information section select the payment method, or click + Add New payment Method to add a new payment method. 
    9. If you have a promotional discount code, you may enter it by clicking the Have a Promo Code? Click Here To Apply! button.
    10. Within the Shopping Cart section, confirm the amount and click the Publish button to complete the transaction. 
Option #2 - Publishing From Your Classified Ad List
  1. Login to your account.
  2. In your Dashboard, click Advertise in the left menu.
  3. Click on the Classified Ads tab.
  4. Locate the advertisement you wish to publish. 
  5. Click the Actions icon from within the Actions column of your advertisement. 
  6. Click Publish in the Actions menu.
  7. On the Publish Your Classified Ad form, select if you wish to upgrade your ad to a Premium Ad, or not, from within the Premium Ad Upgrade section.
  8. Within the Terms & Conditions section, read and verify you understand the advertising terms by checking each term. 
  9. From within the Payment Information section, select the payment method, or click + Add New payment Method to add a new payment method. 
  10. If you have a promotional discount code, you may enter it by clicking the Have a Promo Code? Click Here To Apply! button.
  11. Within the Shopping Cart section, confirm the amount and click the Publish button to complete the transaction. 
Note - When publishing your Classified Ad as a Basic Ad, you will not be required to select a payment method after agreeing to the Terms & Conditions. 
Note - Only ads that have a Ad Status of Saved or Completed will be eligible for Publishing or Republishing
Note - While your advertisement is published or republished, you can make edits to your ad at any time by first Pausing the advertisement using your Actions menu. After your edits have been saved you may continue running your advertisement by clicking Continue in your ad's Action menu. 
Warning - No credit for upgrading to a Premium Ad will be issued back to any users that fails to continue running their advertisement after they have have paused the advertisement.
Warning- reserves the right to Suspend any advertisement that has the appearance of impropriety. If an advertisement is suspended there will be no financial credit given for the time it remains suspended. 

For any questions that you may still have about this, or any other topic in, please contact our Support Team by creating a Support Ticket, chatting, or emailing us at

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