Editing a Classified Ad

Editing a Classified Ad

Only Premium Members will have access to the Classified Ads tab within the Advertise module. 
To see a full video tutorial, please see our Classified Ads Full Tutorial.

In this article readers will learn how to edit a Classified ad both when an advertisement is simply saved or after the advertisement has been published


At various times it may be important for members to edit the advertisement they are preparing to publish, or may have already published. Editing an advertisement can also be useful when the advertiser is trying different marketing approaches or enough time has passed, that the wording in an advertisement has become outdated.

For any advertisement that has not already been published, or advertisements that have completed the publishing period, the Edit option within the advertisement's Action menu will allow the user to edit any part of the Ad Information, or Branding Information. Once the correct edits have been made, simply click Save on the Branding Information page, and you will be prompted that your changes have been saved to your advertisement.  

For Advertisements that are currently published, clicking Pause, from within the Actions menu of the Classified Ad, enables editing to take place. Once the advertisement has been paused, the Edit menu item will become available in the advertisement's Actions menu. After saving the changes to your advertisement, by clicking Save on the Branding Information Page, you will be required to click Continue in your advertisement's Actions menu to having your advertisement start display to others again. 


  1. To edit a Classified Ad, users must have already created an advertisement using the steps outlined in the articled Creating a New Classified Ad.


Editing a Saved or Completed Classified Ad
  1. Login to your MHParks.com account.
  2. In your Dashboard, click Advertise in the left menu.
  3. Be sure you are viewing the Classified Ads tab. 
  4. Click the Actions icon for the advertisement you wish to make edits to.
  5. Click Edit from within the Actions menu.
  6. Make the appropriate changes to any of the information within your advertisement. 
  7.  Once you have navigated through all the information, of your advertisement, and are on the Branding Information page, click the Save button to save your changes to the advertisement. 
  8. Close the page by clicking the in the top left of the page, and you will be displayed your list of Classified Ads again. 
Editing a Currently Published Classified Ad
  1. Login to your MHParks.com account.
  2. In your Dashboard, click Advertise in the left menu.
  3. Be sure you are viewing the Classified Ad tab. 
  4. Click the Actions icon for the published advertisement you wish to make edits to.
  5. Click Pause from within the Actions menu. Edit will now display in your Actions menu by clicking the Actions menu again.
  6. Click Edit from within the Actions menu.
  7. Make the appropriate changes to any of the information within your advertisement. 
  8.  Once you have navigated through all the information of your advertisement, and are on the Branding Information page, click the Save button to save your changes to the advertisement. 
  9. Close the page by clicking the in the top left of the page, and you will be displayed your list of Classified Ads again. 
  10. In the Actions menu of your advertisement, click Continue to have your advertisement start publicly displaying again.  
Note - After you have published your advertisement, clicking Pause in your ad's Action menu, to make edits to the ad, will stop it from displaying to others until you click Continue in the ad's Action menu.
Warning - No credit for upgrading to a Premium Ad will be issued back to any users that fails to continue running their advertisement after they have have paused the advertisement.

For any questions that you may still have about this, or any other topic in MHParks.com, please contact our Support Team by creating a Support Ticket, chatting, or emailing us at support@mhparks.com.

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