View a Park's Information

View a Park's Information

Only Premium Members will have access to Park Sites
To view a full video tutorial, please see our Park Sites Full Tutorial

In this article we discuss how to navigate to the Park Site Details page for viewing the details of a specific Park Site. The information displayed within the Park Site Details page incorporates both the Park Site information with the Park Information to display a full record for the mobile home or RV park you are viewing.  


The Park Site Details page allows our members to view all the relevant mobile home park or RV park information available, to a specific Park Site record, in one page. While you will be able to view details like park images, amenities, street information, and utility information, you can also gain insight to the history of the Park Site record by viewing when the record was last updated and who performed the last update from within the Park Site Details section of the page. For even further history details, a View Data History button, located at the top right of the Park Site Details page, enables you to see a complete list of who edited the park record, claimed the park in the My Parks module, or advertised the park for sale and when. All of this information helps provide our users with the insight of how accurate the record is, or how much activity a Park Site receives.  


  1. Park Site - A layer of data specific to the park's location which is managed exclusively by our system administrators, and contains information about a mobile home or RV park's city, county, state, and zip code
  2. Park Information - A layer of data that is specific to the park and managed by our users. Examples of information contained in this layer are a park's street address, phone number, website, Flood Plain status, Utilities & Streets information, number of mobile home or RV lots, amenities, and park contacts.  
  3. Claimed - A Park Site status that is used to indicate if a park has a claimholder in the My Parks module. Each claimed park will have a blue map pin if another member has claimed the park, or it will be purple if you have claimed the park.  
  4. Unclaimed - A park status that is used to indicate that there is no claimholder for a specific park. Each unclaimed park will have a green map pin.
  5. No Park Data - A Park Site status that is used to indicate that a Park Site does no have Park Information. Each No Park Data park will have a black map pin until additional Park Information is provided. 
  6. Marked - A Park Site status that is used when a user chooses to mark a Park Site for a reference. Each Marked Park Site will be represented by a yellow map pin while the Park Site is Marked.


  1. To begin using Park Sites you must be a Premium Member.


To view the Park Details page for a specific Park Site please perform the following steps:
  1. Login to your account. 
  2. From within your Dashboard, click Park Sites from the left menu.
  3. Open the Park Site's slider by locating and clicking the Park Site's map pin you wish to view. 
  4. To view the Park Sites Details page, click the View Park Details button located at the top of the slider. 
Note - After clicking the View Park Details button a new browser tab will open displaying all the information related to the specific Park Site record. 

For any questions that you may still have about this, or any other topic in, please contact our Support Team by creating a Support Ticket, chatting, or emailing us at

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