Featured Classified Ads

Featured Classified Ads

Only Premium Members will have access to the Classified Ads tab within the Advertise module. 
To see a full video tutorial, please see our Classified Ads Full Tutorial.

In this article you will learn how to upgrade your Classified Ad to a Premium Ad, or have it display on MHParks.com as a Basic Ad. You will also learn the differences between the two types to ensure you are marketing your goods and services to the mobile home park or RV park industry the way you intended.


When you publish your advertisement, you will be offered the option to either upgrade your advertisement to a Premium Ad, or simply publish it as a Basic Ad. Premium members can publish an unlimited number of Basic Classified Ads for no additional cost as part of their subscription. Additional fees will apply to each advertisement that is upgraded to a Premium Ad.  

By upgrading your advertisement to a Premium Ad, you bring more attention to the goods and services you advertise by displaying the green Featured banner wherever the advertisement is being publicly displayed on MHParks.com. Advertisements with the Featured banner are positioned ahead of Basic Ads, in their corresponding category page. As an added bonus, Premium Ads are also displayed on the MHParks.com homepage, at random, in the Featured Classified Ads section. Advertisements using the Basic Ad option are only displayed in the pages of their corresponding category. 

To upgrade your classified advertisement to a Premium Ad simply select Upgrade Your Ad for only $10.00 while you are going through the checkout process of publishing your Classified Ad. 

Note - Premium Members can publish an unlimited number of Basic Classified Ads, for no additional cost, as part of their subscription. Additional fees will apply to each advertisement that is upgraded to a Premium Ad.  

For any questions that you may still have about this, or any other topic in MHParks.com, please contact our Support Team by creating a Support Ticket, chatting, or emailing us at support@mhparks.com.

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