Classified Ads Overview

Classified Ads Overview

Only Premium Members will have access to the Classified Ads tab within the Advertise module. 
To see a full video tutorial, please see our Classified Ads Full Tutorial

Classified Ads are a great way for members to advertise your goods and services to others in the mobile home park and RV park industry! In this article the reader will become familiar with the basics of the Classified Ads which is located in the Advertise module of  


When a user chooses to create, and publish, a Classified Ad, it displays on the website based on the category it is linked to, while creating the advertisement. The seven categories of Classified Ads are Mobile Homes for Sale, RV's for Sale, Brokerage Services, Lending Services, Insurance Services, Coaching Services, and In Search Of

Users can create a new classified ad from within the Classified Ads tab, located in the Advertise module of their Dashboard. Each published advertisement will run for a period of 30 days, within its linked category, on the public website. Premium Members are able to publish an unlimited number of Basic Classified Ads, for free, as part of their subscription.

While going through the publishing process, users can choose between publishing their ad as a Basic Ad, or upgrade it to a Premium Ad. By upgrading your advertisement to a Premium Ad, for an additional cost, your ad will display a green Featured banner, wherever it publicly displays on Additionally, Premium Ads are positioned ahead of Basic Ads, within its category, while also being randomly displayed in the Featured Classified Ads section of the homepage. 

The first time you publish your new Classified Ad, an email notification with a link to your ad, will be sent out to both Basic and Premium Members immediately notifying them of your new advertisement, and which category it can be found in.

As a marketing benefit, once your advertisement has been published, records the number of visits to your advertisement's page. By clicking on the number, from within your ad's Ad Views column, users can see the viewer's name, phone number, email address, and the date they viewed the ad, provided they were logged in to while they viewed the ad. For those times that a user is not logged in, or does not have an account with, the viewer's information will simply display as Visitor. This information is perfect for anyone that wants to follow up with visitors that may be interested in your goods or services. 

Users can also choose to edit their published advertisement, at any time, by using the Actions menu of their advertisement. By clicking the Pause option in the Actions menu, your ad will stop publicly displaying and allow the Edit and Continue options, within the Actions menu, to become available. Once you have saved your changes, simply click the Continue, in the Actions menu, to begin publicly displaying your advertisement again.     

Note - After you have published your advertisement, clicking Pause in your ad's Action menu to make edits to the ad, will stop it from displaying to others until you click Continue in the ad's Action menu.
Warning - No credit for Premium Ad upgrades will be issued back to any users that fails to continue running their advertisement after they have have paused the advertisement.


  1. Users must be a Premium Member to access the Classified Ads tab, located in the Advertise module, of their Dashboard.

For any questions that you may still have about this, or any other topic in, please contact our Support Team by creating a Support Ticket, chatting, or emailing us at
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